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In all pictures, those with a star (*) in front of the title have a description that can be viewed by clicking on the picture for the larger version.

Mei on a rope swing

Mei on a rope swing

(*) One of the first sunrises in the world

One of the first sunrises in the world

Bouma park

Bouma park

Fields of coconut

The lower falls

The lower falls

Me and Mei at lower falls

Fields of coconut from the top

The inner forest of Taveuni

The middle falls

Mei at the middle falls

Mei at the middle falls

Me at the middle falls

The small river leading up

The small river leading up

The lower falls again, notice caves behind

The lower falls from the water surface

The lower falls from the water surface

The lower falls from the water surface

Greenery around lower falls

Top of lower falls

Bridge over calm water

Bridge over calm water

Plane flight to Suva

Plane flight to Suva

Plane flight to Suva

Lovely shallows

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