Last moments in New Zealand

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In all pictures, those with a star (*) in front of the title have a description that can be viewed by clicking on the picture for the larger version.

Cathedral Young Adults group

Cathedral Young Adults group

Monday Nights - Paul and Fergus

Kate (of Kate's bread fame)

Me and Gabriel

Cecelia (who doesn't like having pictures taken)

Kate and her bread, take 2

Kate and her bread


(*) The Monday night "drink to the thirsty" group

My last supper, (Matt) Sam and Kate

Vanessa and Jacqueline

Paul, Fergus and a bleached Cecelia

Cecelia, Julia and Me

To the Thirsty!

Crazy Sam

Cecelia, Julia and Me

Killing Fergus

Hurting Paul (must kill Paul)

Cecelia and Julia

Vanessa, Jacqueline and Matt

Cecelia and Julia

Sarah, part of Debs, and Alish

Matt, Angel, Sarah's guest, and part of Sarah

Vanessa, Jacqueline and Paul

Kate and Julia

Debs, Alish, Sam and Me

Angel and Matt with the spicy lamb pizza of death

The spicy lamb works its magic

Matt with the spicy pizza

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