NZ Work and home
Here are some pictures from my work and from the house that I am renting. Nothing fancy, but just to give y'all an idea of where I am.
You can click on any of these pictures to get a larger one, and if a title has a star (*) in front of it, it means that there is more of an explanation available if you click on the picture for the larger version.
The NZ machine
The control center
Knobs and dials
The scattering chamber
(*) My office area
(*) The view
More view
View from other side
More other side view
(*) Jim
(*) My bedroom
Bay windows in room
View outside from bed
Living room and kitchen
Dining area
Living room (opens to bedroom)
Guest bedroom
(*) Guest bedroom
Bathroom/Laundry area
(*) Laundry
(*) Bathroom/shower door
(*) Back/Front porch
(*) My little garden
(*) My car
Overal house view
Side yard from back