I just love the stripes
Mom way ahead...
The smile is flattening
How come it still looks so small?
Do you think I like waterfalls?
Well, you're right!
The base of the glacier!
Do not enter. Unsafe!
(*) Running water
(*) Thirsty?
The rugged climber
What have you gotten me into, baby son?
A little dirty in places
Some hazards
More waterfalls! Yeah!
A waterfall into a glacier
Yeah, mom!
Who woudda thunk it? A waterfall.
Dave forges ahead in the fast group
Not a small hole
Water! Surprise!
Much cleaner up here!
An ice bridge?
Mei-mei on the glacier
Mom-my on the glacier
Going the hard way
No, I'll take a picture of you
Cutting out the path"
More mei!