Northland and things

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In all pictures, those with a star (*) in front of the title have a description that can be viewed by clicking on the picture for the larger version.

(*) Clement's Road, No Exit

(*) View from Russel into Bay of Islands

(*) Russel Lodge, Inspections welcome

Cove on Russel

View down to the city

View into land

View out to islands

War canoe in Waitangi

(*) Carving in Marae in Waitangi

Carving in Marae in Waitangi

(*) A small falls

An old stone store

(*) Kororipo Pa


(*) 90 mile beach

(*) Better fill up here

Beaches and clouds

Beaches and clouds

(*) Big sand dunes

The top of the dunes

Looking out to sea

Looking out to sea

The path down

The path down

Me and the tracks I left

Near the cape

Lighthouse at Cape Reigna

The meeting of the seas


Lunch spot, all to myself

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