Northland and things

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In all pictures, those with a star (*) in front of the title have a description that can be viewed by clicking on the picture for the larger version.

Lunch spot, all to myself

(*) Mud banks

Another solitary beach

My trusty car and scenery behind

A rainbow

(*) Covering the whole sky

More rainbow

(*) Caught in the herd

Cows covering the road

OK, more cows

Last cow

(*) The Treehouse backpackers

The Treehouse Backpackers

The Treehouse Backpackers

The Treehouse Backpackers

The Treehouse Backpackers

View of lake from Backpackers

Me in shadows

(*) A dead gnome

The Treehouse Backpackers

The ferry


Rolling hills and ocean

Rolling hills and ocean

(*) Kauri tree

Tom, Chad and Michelle

Trees within the tree

Kauri tree

Informational sign

The three sisters

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